Age: 12 months
Jess and her three sisters were born in the Anglican cathedral and trapped at about 16 weeks of age. Jess was calm and gentle from the start, with a good purr. We were interested to see that Jess has slightly crossed eyes like her aunty and two of her cousins. This is a genetic trait which causes no problems and has been helpful in working out the family relationships of cats from the cathedral.
Jess is confident with both people and other cats and we would like to place her as a buddy pair with her sister Amber, who will benefit from having Jess as a familiar companion. Both Amber and Jess were in perfect health when trapped and this has been the case for all of the cathedral cats and kittens. Both sisters are very playful.
Here is a quote from the family who adopted Comet and Isobel, the other two sisters from this litter:
“Comet is relaxed and happy and very affectionate. She is curious about whatever we are doing inside or outside. She is very happy to let the boys pat her. Isobel has mellowed considerably and surprises us with moments of seeking cuddles. She is most affectionate and friendly in the evenings. Currently she and Comet are taking turns hopping in and out of the bedroom window!”
RedZoneCats website donated by The Agency Communications Ltd 2014-2021